Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Grateful for 19 years of marriage.  For the phone ringing with an area code where we have elderly relatives and the relief of knowing they are calling to congratulate us and they are well.  For the need to talk to guidance counselors because we have three children who sometimes are not perfect, but who clearly are not afraid to be imperfect.  For a child who is outraged by anti-feminist and slut shaming rhetoric and says so, even though she is hardly the target of it.  For a daughter who is thoughtful that the friend who drives her to community service and coffee shops might need help with gas money. For a son who wants a challenge and refuses to engage in boredom.  For spending part of our anniversary picking up Girl Scout candy.  For finding peacocks and palm trees ordinary. For love.  And my husband who has made this all my life.

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